April 26, 2009

an accidental experiment...

I have a confession to make... I have totally neglected my journal sketches since before Russian Easter. My excuse: not enough time in the day.... and that's how my accidental experiment came about.
I decided to catch up in one day, and lets just say that did not work. To keep track I thought I would glue in the daily calendar pages, ten days of them.
After the glue was dry I discovered that I glued in the wrong dates.. too late! Then I took out red acrylic paint and swirled it on to cover up the dates. Unless I layered it on very thickly it would not cover much up. So I had to do two pages at a time and let them dry for a while... grrr... the dates still show. That's when I took the zen approach. Deep breath or two, and some red thread. I figured I'd add some thread and stitch the pages. Just a plain running stitch in red cotton thread from one page to the other. After that was done, I glued the ends and a few other spots; and then took out a red pen and doodled a bit. In the end I am kind of happy with my accidental experiment, it looks kind of cool. Here are the results..


Lynn Cohen said...

Very cool outcome. You might also thread paint over the numbers in the red blobs! That would erase them permenantly. Have fun.

Corryna said...

Great sketches. I like the red on the white background.

Marlis said...

it doesn't only look kind of cool: IT IS COOL!!

sukipoet said...

nice colors. you know, if you didnt tell us the numbers were supposed to represent the date, we just would have thought they were a decorative device. I like your solution.

Vivien Zepf said...

Cool! A really good idea! In some places, I can't tell the difference between stitching and doodles. Can I see them in person?

Norma Schlager said...

Great solution to a "problem". They look great!