I do not remember the last time I drew a cat. Must have been in high school.. But down in North Carolina, a friendly neighborhood cat presented the opportunity to me. Every now and then when she would tire of allowing my children to pet her, she would lounge around long enough for me to do a quick sketch. Thus my journal sketches for those days... I better practice some more! I am experimenting with watercolor pencils, it's fun.
It amazes me that you're able to reflect (at least for me) movement/action in the drawings 1.playing with a bug, 2. crawling on its belly after prey, 3.ready to jump/pounce Sorry - non artistic comments
It amazes me that you're able to reflect (at least for me) movement/action in the drawings
1.playing with a bug,
2. crawling on its belly after prey,
3.ready to jump/pounce
Sorry - non artistic comments
wonderful cat like cats. Gwen John, British artist of early 1900's drew wonderful cats too.
The second one's my favorite. I do like the furry feeling from all the blended colors in the first and the softness of the third.
Your cat drawings are great. I try to draw my dog, but she doesn't sit still well. I imagine cats are worse!
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