Here the round up of some of my favorites..
I did geometric abstractions...

figure sketches...

~First is to take the year off from journaling of any kind. Gasp!
~Second is to do monthly journal quilts and just sketch casually but regularly.
~ and third..weeeelllll....I just don't know....I am open to suggestions, anyone have any good ideas out there?? I would welcome them...
How about renga -- the poetic form in which one person starts a poem and others add to it successively. After two years (three years?) of solitary journaling, something like a visual conversation might be inspiring. I don't know if you have someone(s) you'd like to have this kind of ongoing exchange with (and can rely on to stick it out, it does get a little wearing), but the few exchanges I've done have been rewarding.
How about weekly collages in your sketchbook? (Or has that been tossed already?)
I'm happy to see those funny orange brushstroke aliens again. ;-)
This is a wonderful batch! I especially love your use of color.
I have been pondering what I might like to (and Elin) have inspired me to make a commitment to some sort of ongoing creative project. I think the discipline would be a good thing. Still thinking about what to do....
Have you found these exercises worthwhile? If so, then maybe doing them less frequently will make them seem less onerous. I think Jeanne Williamson switched to once a month.
these are so lovely and nice to have to look back through for ideas. I agree w/whomever said maybe cut back and just sketch once a month or now and again rather than having a demanding schedule.
I have tried journaling and never make it past a couple of pages. I never do well creating when I feel I am being 'forced'. What is your motivation for having a journal and how important is that to you? Maybe less would be more....
Your journal pages are wonderful. I am a fairly new follower but I'd agree on not stopping with the journals altogether. Just journal less often; no set times just as motivated.
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