September 23, 2013

fast fashion

I heard about this research on NPR and then saw the video... it captivated me. As a former designer for the mass-market fashion industry I can relate - cheap clothing+fast turn around=big headache. Take a look for some interesting numbers and if nothing else then the fun doodles.

How does this relate to my art you ask? Well, more and more the materials for my art are becoming recyclables. Right now I am working on a piece that will be composed of 100% plastic shopping bags, except for the thread, as I haven't figured out how to use recycled thread yet. So this video really spoke to me, the fashion industry produces an incredible amount of waste... what can be done about it?

Perhaps someday the discarded clothing that used belong to me and my family will become material for my art. That'll just make the tiniest dent in the pile.....
PS here's where to go find out more about the people putting this together.


Jeannie said...

Wow! That is a lot of waste and for what? A tee shirt that will last through 5 washings? I will continue to wear my clothes to threads and then use them in my art. I have been known to "un-knit" cashmere sweaters from the thrift store to use in new projects. :)

Unknown said...

I'm with you Natalya! Earlier this spring I heard an NPR interview about the very same subject after the collapse of a factory in India.Big box stores think fashion is made in one factory when in fact it is subcontracted to many small factories with no restrictions or labor rules. I vowed to stop buying cheap fashion. I can live with less and by my age, timeless is good! LOL! The fact of the NPR show that got me was that clothing that goes to Good Will only stays there a few weeks where it is sold to be sent to Africa for their clothing needs (secondary markets) or to car manufacturers to be shredded for car insulation. Doesn't make any sense.

Karen L R said...

Buying quality clothing and wearing it for many years is one of the very best ways to be green and frugal both.

"Fashion" is not green OR frugal.

So glad to hear that some in the industry are catching on!

Reusing and repurposing old clothing is way cool. Do you know the work of doll maker Mimi Kirchner? I had coffee in Boston with her a few years back and went thrifting with her for materials for her work. Such fun!