October 08, 2013

hand stitchin...

I am back to being fully immersed in hand stitching here. It's like I had to get that big piece and all the machine stitching out of my system in order for the hand stitching to start flowing freely... Silly huh? But that's how it goes sometimes.

So here are a few close ups of what I am working on now, the next of the home portraits.
main house front windows
main house front door
studio siding
As soon as I am done with the siding, I'll be moving on to the gardens. It's been a very long time since I've stitched any flowers, so I am really looking forward to that.


Paula Kovarik said...

what can I say? It is beyond my wildest dreams.

Lisa said...

Hand stitching can be very relaxing. Looks beautiful