I got thoroughly inspired yesterday. So much so, that I wanted to leave the museum and get to my studio pronto. (alas that was not to be, but I will get there) If you're in NYC, you've got to see the three person exhibit at the
American Folk Art Museum. I discovered two new to me artists who wowed me. I feel like they are my kindred souls among the artists who use recycled materials out there. What I saw was so fresh and new and yet so deep and meaningful. Sigh...
The quote that opens the exhibit is "gather up the fragments...that nothing be lost. (John 6:12) This biblical injunction beautifully captures the subtext of quilt culture - keepers of memories, users of scraps." Indeed. Go see it.
My first discovered artist is
Stephen Sollins. This beautiful quote is from his bio: "Art is this amazing thing where there is this huge effort to tell something, but it's mute. It can never speak."
detail of Untitled (First Comes Love) by Stephen Sollins |
The other artist who blew me away is
Sabrina Gschwandtner. She is using film strips to create her work! The effect is mesmerizing.
detail of the back of Camouflage by Sabrina Gschwandtner |
And speaking of "users of scraps", a link to end with.. Check out my
blog post today on the Quilt National Artist website!
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