But I have been watching the first season DVD of Quiting Arts TV when I can keep my eyes open. Interesting stuff there, and most exciting episode for my girls? The one that stopped them in their tracks and kept them glued for ten minutes? Pam Rupert of course! They loooved her demo! If I could have gotten up of the couch, I would have taken a picture of them watching it, really funny. But all I could do was operate the remote. They did manage to sit through my four minutes of fame too (episode 107). And the exciting news there to report is that my quilt Деревня/Derevnya/Russian Fairytale Village II is on the cover of the DVD and on each individual CD inside! I had no idea Pokey had such plans for my work... Thank you Pokey!

oh I feel your pain. I, too, have been spending the day on the couch with whatever horrible thing that's going around...hope you (we!) feel better soon! It was very good of you to watch the Quilting DVD--I just watched HGTV and cooking shows most of the day!
Feel better soon! I hope there was some comfort in watching the DVD and a bit a warm fuzzies from seeing your OWN episode!
thanks! feeling a bit better this morning already, and no warm fuzzies Vivien... i really don't like seeing myself on tv.
Sending healing thoughts to you and prayers for you healing. It is hard to be ill I imagine with two active little girls about. !!!:)
So sorry that you got sick, but glad to hear you're on the mend. I've been debating buying the series, and now I'm just curious enough to do it. I wanna know what Pam does! (well and see your work, and Judy Perez's, and June Davila's, and, and, and).
Hey, congratulations on all the cover press! I hadn't seen the cd, so didn't know what it looked like -- you should be busting your buttons right now!
Thanks for the shout out about my segment too! I'd love to meet your girls some day, since you post about them often, I'm curious....
Forgot to say, get better soon. In the meantime, maybe you can catch up on some reading or thinking about stuff that you don't usually have time for.
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