I am finally feeling well enough to get going on some work, but I just cannot get focused... All my pieces that are nearing completion, need hand stitching, I just can't get into it... My big piece that I started, need some fusing and pinning before I can proceed, I just can't get into it... So what do I do? First I procrastinate by doing tedious paperwork. It's not really procrastination I suppose, since it must get done too.. but it succeeds in making me feel frustrated.. So I throw caution to the wind and go paint some fabric in the one hour I have left in the day to be creative! It's just a small piece of yellow vintage silk and a couple of dryer sheets that I attack with Dye-na-Flow and Lumiere paints and some white water-soluble crayon, but it feels good...Now I feel like I did at least one creative bit today... and I can go make dinner in peace. If only I can keep my hands off this after the kids are in bed tonight so it can cure properly ...
These are so pretty. I get scattered sometimes. Even though I may have a list of what I want to do next. My brain is jarred. Although often if I go and practice my yoga I get centered again.
Every little bit helps (creatitivy that is)!
I like the journal piece below shown a series too.
These are so pretty. I get scattered sometimes. Even though I may have a list of what I want to do next. My brain is jarred. Although often if I go and practice my yoga I get centered again.
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