April 24, 2008

feeling eggy...

Russian Orthodox Easter is fast approaching.. Yesterday the girls and I decorated the house with my vast collection of Easter eggs. Today I started the cooking marathon stopping only for this post... pictures of food to follow soon... Above are some chick candles next to a glass vase holding fabric covered eggs that I made last year. Below is ceramic chicken plate holding real hollowed out eggs that I had painted or bought eons ago... And below that is a basket of ceramic and plastic eggs that the girls are actually allowed to play with. They have managed to already loose a few during yesterdays self improvised egg hunt.. we'll find them in few months... And the only egg making I'll be doing this year is helping the girls color their cooked eggs later today.


Vivien Zepf said...

Have a great celebration! The eggs are so pretty; how did you cover the eggs in fabric? They look so smooth?

sukipoet said...

Happy Easter. The girls are lucky to have a mom like you with many eggs and chick candles and a true sense of celebration and ceremony. Cluck!