More than 100 artists have donated 235 collages for this Fiberart For A Cause fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. FFAC's goal for 2008 is to raise $30,000 for the ACS to add to the more than $150,000 already donated.
Of course I just happen to be one of the artists who donated, so here a mini preview of one of my collages.. This is Chugunnoie Kruzhevo/Cast Iron Lace 2, and you can read about my inspiration here or in the current issue of Cloth Paper Scizzors.

Maybe I'm just dumb but can't find the link to see all the collages. I see a sign that says see all the collages but nothing i click on opens a page with the collages on them. I can try again as I often have to do. Hope the auction goes well.
I just edited the post Suki, it is a bit confusing as you have to scroll down (way down) to see the collages... but please try! lots of beautiful art to see!
thanks Natalya. I knew it was probably something simple. I scrolled through a few pages and will return to see more soon. Yours are lovely.
Its interesting to see what is considered fiber art. IT seems as if as long as there is some fiber/cloth somewhere in the collage it's considered fiber art (vs the whole thing being made of cloth). Of course paper is fiber. I'm just thinking I guess some of my collages would qualify as fiber art. Even though I don't sew? Or do both fiber and sewing have to be included?
Suki, you don't have to sew to do collages, especially not for Collage Mania.. you work would definitely have been accepted, maybe you can join us next year?
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