back to something different...
Remember that baby blanket I was working on last month? It's finished! Another thing to cross off my list... a sweet adorable thing though, hope the baby-boy-to-be and his parents will like it.
...and in a moment of weakness, I did something completely irresponsible while I have SO many other things on my "TO DO" list.. Well maybe not so irresponsible considering that I am swapping the time I would have used for fruitless shopping for sewing time, saving gas (!), reducing car pollution with less driving, reducing consumerism and most importantly - reducing my stash... Alright I think I forgave myself, hopefully so will everyone else. What am I blabbering about here? Dressmaking. Yep, hold on to your hats, I made myself a dress! No one dress, two dresses!
Out of really cute fabric that have had for a few years now. Even though I am capable of making my own patterns, I was far to lazy to actually do so. My local fabric store had a few simple patterns that I liked, so I played with them. Of course when I started typing this post I realized that I had only a picture of one dress, oh well, you get my self portrait in the first dress instead... If I do say so myself this so much better than what I could find in the stores now. What I like out there is usually really expensive and I just can't justify purchasing it, or it's really ugly and badly made, or the current trend makes me look pregnant despite the cute prints.. and I really do not want to look pregnant when I'm not. OK done with my rant now, back to my to do list...
Cute, cute, cute all around. i could do with a dress like that right now -- we're experiencing the beginning of the two weeks of sweltering heat Germany gets each summer.
Absolutely adorable! Where do you find the time?
every now and again you have to be "off the list" just for the fun of the thing.
smartly done.
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