I cannot believe my lucky stars sometimes - I am going to Houston! Or more specifically to the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas. My friend Jane Davila, asked me to come and help out at her booth for The Country Quilter, (that's booth # 1258). I said yes as quickly as I could (had to take care of calling Grandma to the rescue first, someone's got to take care of the kids!). Jane has the coolest collection of art quilting supplies, and now I'll get to talk all about them to folks who want to know more. How awesome will that be?! Can you tell that I am excited? But wait, there's more!Jane just happened to mention to that fun crew at Quilting Arts Magazine that I'll be coming and next thing I know ~ I am participating in Quilting Arts Open Studios! (are there enough exclamation points in this post?) So that means Saturday, November 1st from 12:30P to 2:30P, I'll be over at Make It University (MIU) in the Quilting Arts Magazine area demonstrating my work. Yep, my scraps are coming with me! See those artfully arranged pictures of scraps sprinkled throughout the first part of this post? I just spent many hours sorting them.. they were highly organized (ahem..) in my scrap basket, and now they'll be on their way to Houston so I can show everyone and anyone who is interested how I put together my Окошечки/Okoshechki/Little Windows, such as the ones you see sprinkled below in the second portion of this post... Yep, recycling at it's best! So if you'd like to see how I do that, come over on Saturday and I'll show you - it's easy and fun! I have never been to Houston's Quilt Festival before. From what everyone has told me, it's the Big Mama festival of them all. Guess I'll have a trial by fire.. I am really looking forward to meeting many of the friends I have made online in the art quilt world, artists that I admire and it can't hurt to squeeze in a bit of shopping too... ...just might find that special tool I know I desperately need... So if you are there too, will you please come by and say HI! either at Open Studios or at booth #1258? It would be really great to see you...
Natalya, how exciting. You will be in your element for sure. I wish I could stop by and learn to make a little window. Magical. Have a blast!!! Thank goodness for grandma.
It's gonna be a blast! Everything is running smoothly for Market (except for the accident with the stapler and the trip to the ER for a tetanus shot, oof) and it will be even better at Festival when you get here!
I stopped by the Country Quilter yesterday to stock up on Sulky 12wt. There was a class going on (paper piecing I think) and I quick looked around for familiar faces and realized that yours would have been the only one I would have recognized. Have fun in Houston!
Oooooh! Yea Jane, Yea Grama, Yea YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds fun, Natalya, have a great time!
And I love those pieces you posted, beautiful.
Natalya, how exciting. You will be in your element for sure. I wish I could stop by and learn to make a little window. Magical. Have a blast!!! Thank goodness for grandma.
I'll be there, too, Natalya. I'll be sure to stop by and say hello. You will LOVE the show.
It's gonna be a blast! Everything is running smoothly for Market (except for the accident with the stapler and the trip to the ER for a tetanus shot, oof) and it will be even better at Festival when you get here!
I stopped by the Country Quilter yesterday to stock up on Sulky 12wt. There was a class going on (paper piecing I think) and I quick looked around for familiar faces and realized that yours would have been the only one I would have recognized.
Have fun in Houston!
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