I haven't done any figure drawing since Pratt, so that's about 20 years.. it was so much fun getting to do it again yesterday for the whole day. Kind of like riding a bike, it comes back after a few tries. Now I need a lot more practice to get really good at it, but I am pleased with yesterdays results. It was scary at first and then it was so wonderful to work large (24"x36"!!), by the end of the class the pages were not big enough for any of us! Here are a few of my sketches:One of the great parts of this place (Katonah Art Center) was that there really was an art camp that my girls were in right across the hall from me! So I got to sneak peeks at what they were doing and they got a few peeks at me. Now I must finish up my third lesson plan, and then got to start getting ready for Russian Easter, lots of cooking to do...
Your sketches show just how important it is to keep drawing and how much we can grow if we find time to do it every day (which I never do). I assume you posted them in the order you made them because your lines and shapes look so much more confident and fluid in the later drawings. I love the eraser technique in the second to last, and the shapes of the model's hips and thighs in the last. I'm a little jealous -- it's been a good 20 years since I've taken a life drawing class too and I know I could really benefit from one again. :-)
I'd say that you never lost what you learned 20 years ago. Great work, and all of your pieces have flow. You go girl!
Amazing how after so long it all comes back to a person.
Something I want to work on in the future.
wonderful work and what fun! Is Elin there too, working with the kids? I wanna be there too...
Wow you are good!
Happy Russian Easter to you and your family.
Your sketches show just how important it is to keep drawing and how much we can grow if we find time to do it every day (which I never do). I assume you posted them in the order you made them because your lines and shapes look so much more confident and fluid in the later drawings. I love the eraser technique in the second to last, and the shapes of the model's hips and thighs in the last. I'm a little jealous -- it's been a good 20 years since I've taken a life drawing class too and I know I could really benefit from one again. :-)
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