textile infusion... ahhh...
We went to the Russian Museum of Ethnography a few days ago; it has an excellent permanent costume and textile collection. It also has interesting textile oriented temporary exhibits too. We got to see the Apron Exhibit and the Estonian Textile Artists Exhibit.
First some textiles from the permanent collection to show you: 
Russian linens, decorative towels
Russian peasant costume
Baltic bark, branch and linen weavings, I absolutely looove these! 
Ukrainian redwork embroidery on towels and aprons
Russian headdress, jewelry and scarves.The Apron Exhibit was quite extensive with all peoples of Russia well represented, unfortunately all of it was behind glass. I did not have much luck photographing it, here are two pictures that came out decent enough. 
I believe these were Byelorussian aprons and Russian redwork embroidery.
The Estonian Artists Exhibit was wonderful and innovative. I was very happy to be able to see each artists name and title of the work next to it, including the main technique. My only complaint was that the space was not big and you could not step far enough back to really appreciate the bigger works, never mind taking a straight on picture… Then I had the hardest time choosing my favorites for your viewing pleasure, here are a few with detail shots, ahem.. (please pardon the possible misspellings of names, I’m transliterating from Russian) 
Kertu Sillaste, View of the Sea (weaving, digital print) (I think this one is my favorite) 
Ludmila Svarchevska, Pro Anima (tapestry, wool, cotton)
Heli Kelt, Lavender (tapestry, wool, linen)
Kadi Paupuu, Job’s Exit (wood, linen, digital print)
Aune Taamal, Opus 5 (different materials)
Monika Yarg, Stone (crochet, acid, cotton, stones)
Tiina Puhkan, Ancient Valley (silk painting)
Kadri Viires, Castle (diptych) (commercial and handmade felt)
Ulle Raadik, Curiosity (diptych)(painting, cotton)
Here an overall view of the exhibit..
Wow! Truly beautiful work. I especially liked the last several pieces, so contemporary, reminded me of the things we saw at Snyder Works in PA. ( I think that's the name of the gallery)
Gaaaaa! Such gorgeous stuff. Thank you.
Great exhibit! Thanks for sharing! The redwork reminds me of German Weisswaeche, from which so many ladies today make beautiful quilts. We (readers) as Americans have a tendency to think of "the old country" in terms of it's folkloric costumes, etc, but we often forget that europeans and teh east are as much on the cutting edge of art as well! The contrast between the two stories is wonderful.
The artistry in all of this is incredible. Thanks for sharing the breadth of all these great works.
wow. I am so thrilled to see the old Russian redwork and aprons and cloths. The newer work too so lovely. love the twig and bark idea so much. what a lovely trip you must have had. i noticed you are in a show in Manchester NH. Not sure if I can make it there, havent been there in 30 years. I think it takes about 1 1/2 hours or so. but i will see.
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