I have been toiling away on my March diptych inspired by the journal sketch above for quite some time now. I had very good intentions, I envisioned sheers hand-stitched and free-hand machine embroidered and painted..... Things looked pretty good at the hand-stitched stage, but I ignored that little voice that kept saying STOP! IT'S FLAWED!!! because I had invested too much time into the hand stitching already. Surely I could fix it with the next few steps... well.... surely I could not... Various family happenings kept in the way of my art time and I snatched away two minutes here and two minutes there, when really I should just have left it alone. So now it is glued to canvas with many a different layer of paint on it and other doodads that I mistakenly thought would save it... And no I'm not showing it to anyone, I'm just starting over... Though I might one day rip it off that canvas and find another use for it, just might... Stay tuned!
I totally understand the frustration that comes with investing time in something that doesn't work and/or you don't like. Good idea to move on -- good luck!
Sigh!!!! i hate it when this happens!!! Lately I ahve been letting the little voices stop me even before I get going!!! I am sure that your next piece will be better because fo the false start!!!
I've been making a piece I call "crazy art" as I just had the urge to work by hand quickly sometimes slowly with embroidery floss and beads and just made a messy piece...but enough of me likes it even if it isn't great art. I won't paint it. I did think of cutting it up to smaller pieces but will ruin beading then I fear. So it is what it is. Won't enter it into any art shows. Just fun to do.
I totally understand the frustration that comes with investing time in something that doesn't work and/or you don't like. Good idea to move on -- good luck!
Sigh!!!! i hate it when this happens!!! Lately I ahve been letting the little voices stop me even before I get going!!!
I am sure that your next piece will be better because fo the false start!!!
I've been making a piece I call "crazy art" as I just had the urge to work by hand quickly sometimes slowly with embroidery floss and beads and just made a messy piece...but enough of me likes it even if it isn't great art. I won't paint it. I did think of cutting it up to smaller pieces but will ruin beading then I fear. So it is what it is. Won't enter it into any art shows. Just fun to do.
sometimes it's good to just start over/revise or even set things aside and begin completely fresh.
however i do love the colors and textures of the bit you have shown and in the sketch too
Oh, I know that feeling!
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