Windows are my specialty. I have a thing for taking pictures of windows wherever I travel, but especially in St. Petersburg, Russia. I'll be going there again very soon and taking more pictures!
Then, when home, I play in Photoshop and alter the pictures in a myriad of ways. Sometimes it's just for play, sometimes it's with a purpose in mind. I adjust colors, try out different filters, skew images, add textures. Then I print the chosen images on paper, fabric, dryer sheets, tissues, Transfer Artist Paper and just about anything you can run through a printer. From there, sky is the limit! I stitch by hand and/or machine, fuse, cut, layer, paint and manipulate until I have achieved my desired effect.
I was fortunate to discuss some of those techniques in my DVD for Cloth Paper Scissors (you can see the link in the side bar). But now, I really excited, because this August I'll be able to dive into the details and all the nitty gritty with my students in the Mix Your Media With Photoshop Workshop at the Create Retreat in Chicago. I'll be showing exactly how I do all those tricks to my students in person. I'll show them how I do it on my computer and we'll figure out how to do it on your computer. Then we'll print the digital creations on paper and fabric and other fun surfaces. So, yes, that was a shameless ploy to get you to come and play with me..... will you?

wish i could join you in chicago..........
Me too! I want to be there.
I wish I could come play! Chicago is just a tad too far. One of these days though....
I love windows too. I did a piece called open windows once. It was about being open to the universe or spirit. I love your artwork and sense your openness there too.
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