Today is my birthday! Happy birthday to me! But the present is for you!!!!
Yes, in a shameless quest for more birthday wishes I am offering a gift just like last year. So.... wish me a happy birthday here in the comments and I will enter your name in a drawing for this little gem - okoshechko/little window 40. (You might have seen the blog post on creation of this and other little windows here)
I will have my older daughter write all your names on a scrap of paper (which I will later collage LOL) and my younger daughter will pull out the winning name. You have until Saturday night to wish me a happy birthday as we will not have chance for this elaborate ritual until Sunday. But Monday morning your gift will be on it's way to you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Natalya! Hope YOUR day is the BESTEST ever!!!
Wishing you all the BESTEST of everything in 2011!!!!
Happy, happy, happy birthday, Natalya!
Happy Happy Birthday!!
wishing you the happiest of birthdays!
Oh Natalya, if I had known, I would have baked you a cake! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays doing whatever your heat desires. Happy Birthday!!!
Natalya, Happiest of Birthdays to you! Wishing you a wonderful year of creating!
Happy Birthday, Natalya!
Happy Birthday, Friend! Have a beautiful day!
Once again, Happy birthday Natalya and thank you for sharing this picture with us. It's lovely.
Oh, so you are a Sagittarius (like my husband)! Happy Birthday! Let the arrows of inspiration reach you always, when you need to express your emotions and artistic discoveries! Be healthy and happy! Have a nice day!
Happy Birthday Natalya! One of my favorite childhood books was Pippi Longstocking - she gave gifts to her friends on *her* birthday. A wonderful tradition if you ask me!
Dear Natasha, have a wonderful Birthday!!! Have a great day!
and may all your wishes come true :-)
Veronica (VCT)
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you can make some art and have a good cake today! And wow, I am having some deja vu here;)
Happy Birthday! I'm looking forward to another year of your blog and your art! :)
A great idea. I laughed at Tracy's deja vu! Have a wonderful, wonderful birthday. I think birthdays are great. May it be everything you want it to be. - Tom
Happy birthday from one December baby to another.
Happy birthday, Natalya! What a generous thing to do! I'd love to win this piece.
I already have some art by Natalya, so there's no need to add my name to the hat. However, I am more than happy to send you more Birthday wishes!! Hope you're having a great day!
Like Kristin, I have some Natalya art, so I'll save the chance for someone else to have some, but happy birthday nonetheless!!! Go eat Sushi! : )
Natalya, Hope you have the best BD yet!! You're certainly giving us an opportunity to share in your day! Thanks!!
You share your birthday with my dear husband!!! winning anything made by you would be such a treat!
Happy Birthday Natalya!!
I wish you a happy birthday! >:D<
Happy birthday to you, Natalya!
Boldog születésnapot, Natalya!
Hope it was glorious!!
Happpyyy Birthday to yoooouuuuu, happy birthday to youuuuu, Happy Birthday, dear Natalya (I love your name), happy birthday to you!
Dear Natalya,Hope you have a wonderful day today and for the rest of the year. Your art is very beautiful and so are your girls.
Carole Hoffman
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