Whenever there is an opportunity for stash reduction I jump at it. Crazy I know, let's call it editing. Although when this opportunity came up I was a bit hesitant, I hadn't bought much fabric lately and I just used quite I bit of what I had for the costumes. But lo and behold! Within minutes I managed to fill two boxes! Mostly with perfectly good fabric (that I didn't like anymore) and yarn (I don't knit! how does this happen???). It was SO easy! Look -> 1. 2. 3. (looove pink duct tape!)
So. How about a few of you take the opportunity to edit your stash too? Here's where to go for info: IB♥L (Thanks Marlis for telling me how to do the heart thingie!)
I will check this out. I too am trying to reduce my stash of doo-dads and just sent a box full to a friend who I know makes assemblages. But i have more stuff to shed and its great to send it to someone who might use it. thanks.
I'm also glad you posted this. It's been on my mind while I've been reorganizing my supplies. I've made strides with the fabric, but I've been dragging my feet on the yarn knitting supplies. I just need to get the address from IBOL guy.
you have a mac, haven't you? to insert the heart thingy, click on "character viewer" at the top of your screen (where the date is). the heart is under "miscellaneous". you can't insert it everywhere, but it should work in blogger. ♥
I will check this out. I too am trying to reduce my stash of doo-dads and just sent a box full to a friend who I know makes assemblages. But i have more stuff to shed and its great to send it to someone who might use it. thanks.
ok now i see it is stuff for people who sew or knit which i dont have.
So glad you posted about this since I missed the IBOL3 announcement! Will have to send in March.
I'm also glad you posted this. It's been on my mind while I've been reorganizing my supplies. I've made strides with the fabric, but I've been dragging my feet on the yarn knitting supplies. I just need to get the address from IBOL guy.
you have a mac, haven't you? to insert the heart thingy, click on "character viewer" at the top of your screen (where the date is). the heart is under "miscellaneous". you can't insert it everywhere, but it should work in blogger. ♥
I still don't even know how to do the heart thingie! Well OK, I guess I do now! Thanks Marlis. ♥
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