My challenge to myself for the month of March is to master Tsukineko inks. OK maybe not master, but learn to be much better at them. Long time ago Judy Coates Perez gave me a quick lesson on using them, but my brain is a sieve... I just remembered something about using aloe vera gel instead of water. So I whipped out my inks and started painting. Disaster? Not quite, but not all that pretty either. I was tired of doing abstract, decorative doodles and figured the best way to teach myself would by trying to paint actual objects. I am not looking for absolute realism here, just close enough, mainly learning to control of the medium. Judy was kind enough to answer my question or two and I am slowly getting better. Her main tip in my opinion was to heat set as soon as you like what you see before going further. That has certainly helped! The only problem with this is that I have an ulterior motive as usual. I would like to possibly do some pleine air painting when the weather gets warm enough and definitely would like to use the inks in my life drawing class which starts in April. Having a plugged in iron in the great outdoors is a problem and may be a safety hazard in a studio of an art center too. So.... where does that leave me? Why of course I must master my materials with out the benefit of heat. Wish me luck!
Hi Natalia- I began exploring your art throough your contribution to the Sketchbook challenge; which I am alos a part of. I absolutely love your "art heart," that's what I call it when one's soul is poured out into their work, as your does. Yours are lovely, creative and unique creations. I have chosen to follow your blog. I am an exhibiting mixed media artist. I am also a retired educator with my Masters in Education- so I write. My blog is a combo of writing and art. I hope you will follow mine too.
Like everything else- it takes practice- the aloe vera gel is an interesting hint. I ahve a bunch of the inks and have used them for painting lace but nothing like what you are doing!! You will master it , I KNOW that you will!!!
I have a set of the inks in my paint box. I attempted a couple of pieces and then went back to the textile paints. You have inspired me to dig them out again and join you on your journey. Thanks! Loved your interview over at the Sketchbook Challenge.
Came here after I read your Sketchbook Challenge interview -- well done! And thanks for sharing your thoughts on the inks. I have some as well and I really should experiment with them. You always inspire me to try, try, try .... though I'm not as brave as you are.
Hi Natalia- I began exploring your art throough your contribution to the Sketchbook challenge; which I am alos a part of. I absolutely love your "art heart," that's what I call it when one's soul is poured out into their work, as your does. Yours are lovely, creative and unique creations. I have chosen to follow your blog. I am an exhibiting mixed media artist. I am also a retired educator with my Masters in Education- so I write. My blog is a combo of writing and art. I hope you will follow mine too.
I hate having typos so here are my corrections: "through" your art..."also" a part of...sorry, I had to correct myself! LOL
Have fun learning this process.
Like everything else- it takes practice- the aloe vera gel is an interesting hint. I ahve a bunch of the inks and have used them for painting lace but nothing like what you are doing!! You will master it , I KNOW that you will!!!
the inks sound intriguing. i esp like the final photo. wonderful to learn new techniques, you are brave! Have fun exploring.
I have a set of the inks in my paint box. I attempted a couple of pieces and then went back to the textile paints. You have inspired me to dig them out again and join you on your journey. Thanks! Loved your interview over at the Sketchbook Challenge.
Came here after I read your Sketchbook Challenge interview -- well done! And thanks for sharing your thoughts on the inks. I have some as well and I really should experiment with them. You always inspire me to try, try, try .... though I'm not as brave as you are.
If you have desire and motivation - you will succeed! Good luck and enjoy yourself!
Good Luck! A worthy venture indeed!
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