April 07, 2009

journal sketches

Here is a selection of my latest journal sketches to keep you entertained for the day... ahem...
3-29-09 I'm calling this one - science experiment gone wrong...3-31-09 this was a dance class doodle over watercolor, springy doncha think?4-2-09 and then I thought I'd experiment with writing, if you know Russian you might be able to read some of it. I purposely wrote sloppy, but did not want to write plain gibberish. 4-4-09 more writing in Pigma pen covered by watercolors and crayon.4-5-09 writing again, water soluble crayon and watercolors...

The girls and I are off to art camp for the day at the Katonah Art Center, my class isn't canceled this time. I am very excited to do figure drawing again, haven't done it ages.


Norma Schlager said...

I enjoyed seeing your Journal Pages in person last night.I really liked those collages from torn magazine strips.

Jamie Fingal said...

I love your journal pages, especially the one on the bottom. Beautiful - love the writing and the colors. They speak to me.