January 29, 2013


to get going.... It always happens...after a big project is done, there is a bit of downtime needed to gather my thoughts, clean up, organize before I start on the next big thing. It's been a week. The studio is mostly cleaned up. The pictures looked at, posts written about the project. Previous, unfinished, neglected projects are unearthed. Household routine is begun anew....  and yet.... I cannot get started on the creative to do list. I have purposefully kept it fairly short and sweet, thinking it would make it easier to get back in... but so far no go.

What to do? What to do?

I have decided to concentrate on refilling my so called creativity tank. I am perusing the gazillion or so art magazines I have put aside for when I would have time to read them; reading my favorite artists blogs; trying out new slow cooker recipes; scrolling through online emags; trolling Pinterest and Instagram; updating my bio/resume/workshop descriptions AND reevaluating my self imposed artistic goals. Perhaps a few days of this navel gazing will push me over the edge and into actual creating. 

For now.... a deep breath.....ooommmmmm...... 

and just so I don't leave you without any of visual stimulation...
a bit of rainy windshield iPhone photography


Vivien Zepf said...

Cool pic!

I'm sure you'll get back into the creative zone soon, though I'm surprised to see that playing in Photoshop isn't on your "what I might do to refill my tank" list.

Cindy said...

Oh I'm so with you at times! It is hard to get back into things. Usually a sunny day is what I need to get me rekindled. A very dreary day today and the creative energy just isn't there :(

BTW, if you come across a good slow cooker recipe. Would love to hear about it :)

Gerrie said...

I so related to this. I have no doubt about your ability to be soaring, soon!

Jeannie said...

I view this time like when a farmer leaves a field fallow. Letting the ground rest and gather nutrients so that it may produce a bumper crop. Enjoy perusing and looking for art sparks. You will know that excited "I must do this" feeling soon. xo

Kristin L said...

Navel gazing sounds like the perfect thing to do after so much intense work. I'm looking forward to hearing what you figure out.