May 31, 2013


My first home portrait is ready. A few detail shots first to set the scene...
roofing details
front steps
a bit of nature
plant life
the twigs are from a tree in the front yard
can you tell I liked the twigs?

I really enjoyed this challenge and I am looking forward to more...


Bee said...

I love the finished piece!

Jessica said...

As the woman who lives in this house, words cannot properly express how delightful and touching it is to see my home come to life in fiber by Natalya's hand! And my hole-in-the-thumbs favorite pair of mittens have been reborn and are now immortal! I cannot wait to place this in our house, I think I've found the perfect spot for it in the entry hall. I will pass it all day long. Thank you, my dear friend!

Paula Kovarik said...

I love what you are doing here Natalya. The deft use of different textures and simple lighting gives the piece a unique charm.

Sharon W. said...

Lovely! You seem to have discovered or invented a new way to capture memories. Can't wait to see the next one.....