September 26, 2014

friday in the studio

Yesterday I did a bit of organizing in the old studio, and if you follow my artist page on Facebook, you might have seen this shocking post: Somehow I have seven (7!!!) artworks in different stages of completion... usually it's not more than 2 or 3. Guess I'd better get to work!

OK, so the "shocking" part is tongue firmly planted in cheek. But I am a bit overwhelmed by the seven. The problem is that I like all of them enough to continue working on them. How do I prioritize??? Aaack!

Thought I'd share a few peeks here:
1. This piece called Electric Spring debuted at my solo exhibit, but I deemed it unfinished this summer and have been adding tiny stitches ever since...
2. This is Early Spring and and the story is the same as above... adding sparkly French knots...
3. I started this Cathedrals piece back in May, progressed a bit and stopped due to general life craziness.
4. This is the beginnings to the companion piece to the above. Ahem. Subject is chosen and materials are gathered. That's it.
5. This is the fourth in the City Love Affair series. Shockingly I last reported about it in December! I have done quite a bit and probably shared more photos on Instagram, but haven't worked on it since spring. Sad I know.
6. This is a companion piece to one I finished a few weeks ago, but was too busy to share, but I promise I will soon! Both pieces are the next reincarnation of this piece.
You might have noticed only six photos. That's because I'm saving the seventh for next week.... That's right - a cliffhanger!!


Vivien Zepf said...

I know why you had seven unfinished pieces -- because each is lovely and just couldn't decide. Who could?

Karen L R said...

So much beauty! No wonder you are having a hard time focusing.

Regina B Dunn said...

Love to look at how you interpret it into stitch.

Sharon W. said...

Lovely to see some of your work here (at last). As a person who does not use facebook or instragram or any other "social media", I miss your entries here. In fact, I was just ready to remove you from "bookmarks" list!!! I'm sure it is easier to do a quick entry on the other sites, but hope you will continue to share here!!!!

rossichka said...

Oh, so many projects to do. And all of them lovely! If I was at your place, I would probably follow my heart... I like the first one a lot! Good luck!:)